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At Premier Golf Grips, we carry a range of different brands, sizes and styles to suit you and make sure you play your best game. 

Measuring for the correct grip size


The easiest way is to measure your hands. Take the measurement from the crease of your wrist to the top of your middle finger.


  • Undersize/junior = less than 7 inches

  • Standard = 7 inches to 8 ¾ inches

  • Midsize = 8 ¼ inches to 9 ¼ inches

  • Oversize/jumbo = longer than 9 ¼ inches



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Effects of the grip size on your shots


Changing your grip size can have some effect on your shots. These effects can be used to help fix some common swing faults, but if you are not aware of these effects, you may be hurting your score by having the wrong size grips.

A smaller grip can encourage more active hands during the swing. The usual effect of this is to promote a draw. That sounds great, right? Everyone loves a good draw on their shot, especially with the driver. But if you already tend to play a draw, a smaller grip may end up turning it into the more severe hook, which can be impossible to control.

Most higher handicap golfers tend to have too much hand movement (and frequently it is the wrong kind of hand movement), so generally speaking, but can also exaggerate, having grips that are too small are not a great idea for most. Smaller grips also tend to promote a tighter grip which can have a negative effect on swing speed as well.

Larger grips have the opposite effect, promoting less hand action through the swing. This can promote a fade if you are already swinging well, but can also exaggerate a slice.

Adding to all of this, having a grip size that does not fit your hand well can cause inconsistency. Being consistent is much more important than promoting a draw or fade, so keep that in mind before making any grip size changes.

The caveat to all of this is that it applies mostly to a swing that is already technically sound. Changing the grip size is going to have small effects on a good swing and can be used to fine-tune an already repeatable swing.


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